Correct, I am a dork

Friday, April 4, 2008

Axel's viral marketing wordsmithery

Not a bad little how-to guide Axel has developed for getting the word out about your academic research...

In the first week of KCB201, I searched for 'produsage' and 'produsers' and found very few results...
A few weeks later, and my cohort of brown-nosers has successfully left Axel's tags all over the place, not to mention given his websites some nice traffic and an array of imaginative new tags and descriptions within as well.

And in a few short weeks you will see 400 new entries on 80 new blogs all referencing Bruns and glorifying the magnificent cultural insight that is produsage.

I wonder what you'd call this process...I guess you could call it a manipulation of academic authority for personal gain conducted in a new media environment using viral marketing techniques...but 'manipulation' sounds a bit i prefer my own term:


Ironic, I guess, that this post is just about the first post for KCB201 to actually use the label produsage.

laugh out loud.


Daniel Explosion said...

Excellent point James. Axel has created a Frankenstein of new media terminology that is now running amuck across and devouring everything in its path...apparently. Type 'produsage' or 'produsers' into Google and around 7,500 articles come up for each, and simply glancing at the top 10 entries in each search yields a surprisingly frequent appearance of the word 'snurb' (for those uninformed citizens, this word is Axel Bruns extremely clever pseudonym). Guess the power of internet is real after all and that anyone wishing to coin a phrase can have it on the tip of the world's tongue within a surprisingly short timeframe. My intense knowledge of new media topics also leads me to the conclusion that coining said phrase and transmitting it off round the world would be classified guessed it...produsage! Produsage is so easy to do that I don't understand why everyone in the world doesn't have their own type of usage - ala the idea of 'snurbusage'. I think I may invent my own slant on produsage and label it 'danusage' - maybe the difference being that you have to have your pants off and be eating cake whilst you create user content. It could work....

emma marie said...

Hear Hear! Very excellent point. We all know why we're here... KCB201 is about virally spreading the word "produsage" across any and every social networking medium available and KCB202 is about providing slave labour for said academics social experiments on wiki. I propose a protest. A revolt against academics using students as pawns to further their own careers!

But perhaps it's not really axels fault that he so cleverly came up with a word that so aptly explains everything about web 2.0. And perhaps it's not really axels fault that web 2.0 has made it incredibly easy to spread these infectious words like the black plague.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be tomfoolery if Axel did NOT do something like this :D

I think that this is the sort of tactic that we as mediacomm students/young professionals need to be aware of and also utilise.

I just did a word search throughout the first page of my blog. Produsage occurs about 30 times. Concerning search engine optimisation to increase one's rankings, yeah, this sort of activities will increase the ranking of that term.

One of the main challengers to this is if someone buys the domains like '' or '' and piggybacks on the online rankings of this term.