It's obviously a 'joke' - when you go to donate, the fund is called 'My baby's ransom'.
Noone will donate money, and I can garauntee you they don't care about that. I'm willing to bet they are just hoping that the media will pick up on this and bring more and more traffic to the site - increasing their revenue through Google Adsense.
This thing has been up for a day, and the blog already has over 200 comments. Which would indicate thousands and thousands of people have read it. In a day.
I am not providing a link because I don't think they need any more people giving them traffic and if you really want to find it, I'm sure you know how to use Google. If you do check it out, please 'flag' the blog. If you are as disgusted as I am, please go to this link and tell Google what you think of them making money off twomilliondollarbaby.
Click the link:

I will also link to a Youtube video of Phil DeFranco, who 'broke the story' and was the first commentor on the blog. Some are suspicious he created the blog.
1 comment:
That is ludicrous!!! Even if it is a joke, I am still totally baffled by this blog and I cannot begin to fathom why someone would publish it. But you’re right…it will definitely create a lot of traffic and possibly hype around it.
Personally I am 100% for user-generated and published work online but when people exploit it like this, all I can think is, what a shame. For all those sceptics of new media this is a prime example for them to circulate negative news about it and put it down.
This blog is somewhat similar to the countless ‘proanorexia’ sites circulating the Internet. Once again I am fully in favour of people being able to express their thoughts freely and without being discriminated but I don’t know if I can agree with these websites that are negligent and socially irresponsible.
So, yes I am as disgusted as you so I’ve just sent google some of my thoughts…we’ll have to wait and see.
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